Thursday, July 23, 2009

Australian Digital Photography Awards 2009

I have 5 acceptances

Alien abduction

From My Path Towards Sensational Photography

Kitesurf to Heaven
From My Path Towards Sensational Photography

Catch me if you can
From My Path Towards Sensational Photography

Superman Exercize
From My Path Towards Sensational Photography

Fruit Fly
From My Path Towards Sensational Photography


Anonymous,  July 24, 2009 at 9:33 AM  

Well deserved, Teddy. Great pics

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About Me

My name is Teddy and I am a Melbourne wedding photographer. Please visit my website This blog contains all the news and happenings of my photography encounter - casting calls, photoshoots and things. I can be contacted by phone 0405642535 or email

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