Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Underwater Maternity Photography

Hello all. It's about time that this blog gets an update. Part of the reason why it has been neglected is because there is nothing really exciting to report… until now. What could be that special? How about an underwater photoshoot, with a pregnant woman!

When it comes to creating images underwater, I have to humbly admit that I am a total greenhorn. To prepare for this photoshoot, I googled for some sample images and imagine how would I light the scene. But all these preparation did not take into account of one very important fact - radiowaves don't work underwater! Essentially, the pocket wizards were rendered useless. I have to fall back on plan B - use the torchlight function of phones, 4 of them to be exact. That created barely enough light for  the camera to capture.


Next on the challenge list is the physical barrier.  Carrying a few extra kgs in the belly itself is hard enough already, even more so the mother-to-be has to hold her breath, perform underwater stunts, control buoyancy, and looking photogenic at the same time. Not an easy task!


Despite all these setbacks, I enjoyed this underwater maternity photography session, a welcomed challenge that threw me into the unknown. I'm  glad that the effort of soaking in the water for 1.5hours is being rewarded with the pictures below :

underwater maternity photography Melbourne photo P1230071.jpg

underwater maternity photography photo _TED6249.jpg

underwater maternity photography photo P1230011.jpg

underwater maternity photography photo _TED6223.jpg

PS: Christmas wishlist - proper underwater housing for the camera, underwater lighting, scuba diving lessons.

PPS: Thank you CF Lui for lending the underwater camera pouch. Special thanks to Tan Boon Siong, Kok Siew Hong and Tan Jian Yong for assisting with the lighting. Even more special thanks to Jacqueline Seow for being so sporting.


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My name is Teddy and I am a Melbourne wedding photographer. Please visit my website This blog contains all the news and happenings of my photography encounter - casting calls, photoshoots and things. I can be contacted by phone 0405642535 or email

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